Carmichael Environmental provides sustainable outdoor living solutions to residential, commercial, and municipal clientele with an ecologically conscious and creative approach to inspire harmony with our surroundings while conserving valuable economic, social, and environmental resources.
Eric Broberg was certified in Permaculture design in 2007 and again in 2009. After attending a workshop in Berkeley with Greywater Action in 2009, he began installing laundry to landscape systems for clients interested in water conservation. He has since installed approximately 20 L2L systems from San Francisco to Santa Barbara. He is an Accredited Associate with ARCSA and continues to attend professional workshops with Sweetwater Collaborative in Santa Barbara. He is now based in San Luis Obispo county, where he continues his greywater work while also developing an edible landscaping nursery and organic farm.
Stop your wailing... It is time to get swaling! This group is dedicated to Permaculture Action. Earth Care - People Care - Fair Share
Landscape designs to save water, capture rainwater and greywater. This includes turf removal, earth works to capture water by building berms and swales, plant material selection, soil improvement, and irrigation efficiency.
Service area: Ventura, Ojai, Carpinteria
We offer hands-on, community-based workshops in people’s homes and neighborhoods, helping each other install sustainable systems. We want to have fun working together and changing the face of our town.We also do installations through work crews. Our core group of seven comes from a variety of backgrounds. Our combined skills include architecture, environmental engineering, marketing, business development, Permaculture design, construction, networking and education. We are eager to share our team efforts to help our community.