Composting Toilet Resources

Composting Toilet Resources 1. Presentations (pdf) An Introduction to Eco Toilets from the Green Center. Ecological Sanitation- an Overview. By Professor Dr. Petter D. Jenssen, The Norwegian University of Life Sciences Composting Toilets in Large Buildings by 2020 Engineering. 2. Video Video about the Bronx Zoo’s sewerless bathroom (composting toilets and greywater systems). Watch here. Page of videos on the […]

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Composting Toilet Codes and Policy

Composting Toilet Codes and Policy Composting toilet regulations vary greatly from state to state (and many states do not have any codes for them at all). In many situations composting toilets codes don’t apply to homes that also have a flush toilet. Dwellings that do require permission and permitting are new construction seeking an alternative wastewater system (to install a […]

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Composting Toilets

[img_assist|nid=86|title=|desc=Corn grown with urine-fertilizer. (photo by Peter Morgan, Aquamor)|link=node|align=left|width=125|height=100]The modern day sewer system has failed. Fortunately, we don’t need costly sewage plants or septic systems to render human waste into a harmless substance that, instead of being a problem, is a solution to problems of water shortages, water pollution, and reliance on chemical fertilizers.

This is ecological sanitation, taking care of our human sanitation needs in a way that is helpful, rather than harmful, to the environment.

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