Greywater Systems Informational Series- 2015
Greywater Action is hosting two webinar series this fall and winter (2015 series) and early next year (2016 series). This event is co-sponsored by Transition US.
The 2015 series will include:
- 10/14 Greywater 101
- 10/28 Plumbing 101 for Greywater Installers
- 11/18 Design and Install Your Own Laundry-to-Landscape System
- 12/2 Gravity-Flow, Branched Drain Systems and Greywater Irrigation in Arid Climates
- 12/16 Southern CA Fruit Trees 101- How to Irrigate Your Home Orchard with Greywater
Registered participates can join in on as many of the webinars as you want, as well as watch recordings of them after they air. If you attend the live webinar you will be able to ask questions directly to the presenters.
The webinars will be held live from 4-5pm on Wednesdays (dates below).
Cost: Fee for the series is $30 to $100 sliding-scale*.
*Wondering what sliding-scale means? A sliding-scale fee means that participants choose the amount to pay along the scale (between $30 and $100). People who can afford to pay more help subsidize people who can’t afford it. This helps us keep our workshops affordable to more people. We thank you for paying as high as you are able to on the scale.
Stay tuned for more details about our 2016 series, which will include:
- Pumped systems
- Greywater irrigation and plant health
- Incorporating greywater into your landscaping business
- Understanding the California plumbing code for greywater
- Whole house greywater systems
- Integrated system design
- How to wire an actuator (motorize your 3-way diverter valve)
2015 Webinar Workshop Details
Register for the 2015 webinar series here
Greywater 101
- October 14th from 4-5pm
Learn about common and popular greywater systems, design considerations, water saving potential, costs, regulations, health and safety, soaps and products, and how to choose a system that is a good match for your home and landscape.
Presenter Laura Allen: Laura is a founding member of Greywater Action and has spent the past 15 years exploring low-tech, urban,sustainable water solutions. She is the lead author of the San Francisco Graywater Design Guidelines for Outdoor Irrigation, and authored The Water-Wise Home: How to Conserve and Reuse Water in Your Home and Landscape (Storey Press, 2015).
Plumbing 101 for Greywater Installers
- October 28th from 4-5pm
Installing a greywater system from a sink or shower requires altering your household plumbing. Learn the basics of a home plumbing system, how to identify a greywater drain, how to install a diverter valve, and proper installation techniques.
Presenter Christina Bertea: Christina Bertea has been a plumbing contractor since 1996 and was the first woman admitted into Local 159, Plumbers and Steamfitters Union. She is a Greywater Action instructor and Eco Artist.
Design and Install Your Own Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater System
- November 18th from 4-5pm
Laundry-to-landscape (L2L) greywater systems are simple, affordable, and easy to maintain. With your own L2L system you can irrigate your landscape each time you do laundry, saving you water, time, and resources. This system is legal to install without a permit in CA if you follow 12 basic guidelines. This presentation will walk you through the design and construction steps for your own L2L system.
Presenter Cris Sarabia: Cris is a bilingual instructor with Greywater Action. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Science and Policy and a minor in Geography from Cal State Long Beach and is currently the stewardship manager for the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy implementing all restoration projects.
Branched Drain Systems and Greywater in Arid Climates
- December 2nd
A gravity-based, branched drain system delivers shower or sink water to the plants via a set of rigid, branching pipes. This system requires the landscape to be lower than the plumbing, and is best suited to irrigate large plants, like trees and shrubs. Though time consuming to install, once finished a branched drain system is extremely robust; it requires no energy to operate, has no moving parts to break, and needs very little maintenance. This presentation will also cover best practices for greywater irrigation in an arid climate.
Presenter Nicholas Holmes: Nicholas is an ecological designer-builder with degrees in architecture and sustainable development from Cal Poly SLO. Nicholas installs greywater systems in Joshua Tree and surrounding desert areas and is the co-founder and director of The Nourishing Tree, a small mixed-use center for healthy and sustainable living.
Southern CA Fruit Trees 101- How to Irrigate Your Home Orchard with Greywater
- December 16th
Fruit trees and greywater, a perfect combination. Learn how you can irrigate a delicious home orchard with greywater and maintain this productive landscape without potable water irrigation. This presentation will focus on fruit trees of Southern California, but the principals and greywater systems information is applicable to a wide geographic region.
Presenter Ty Teissere: Ty specializes in backyard orchard care, from building the soil life to pruning the canopy, and the irrigation systems in between. He is a Greywater Action instructor and installer as well as a a certified arborist (#WE-10547-A), rainwater harvester (Watershed Management Group), and has his horticulture certificate from Long Beach City College.
Register for the 2015 webinar series here
Webinar Series 2016 (registration opens late November)
- January 6th. Installing Simple Pumped Greywater Systems. Presenter Leigh Jerrard, Greywater Corps.
- January 20th. Greywater Irrigation and Plant Health. Presenter Regina Hirsch, Sierra Watershed Progressive.
- February 3rd. Incorporating Greywater Installations into Your Landscaping Business. Alan Hackler, Bay Maples
- February 17th. Understanding the California Plumbing Code for Greywater. Presenter Laura Allen.
- February 24th. Integrated System Design.
- March 9th: Wire and Install an Actuator. Presenter Sergio Scabuzzo
- March 23rd Whole house greywater systems Part 1:
- April 6th: Whole house greywater systems Part 2:
Cancellation Policy
If you can’t make the live broadcast date you can still view a recording of the webinar after it’s happened. If you would like to cancel your purchase entirely, we offer a partial refund on advance cancellations.
If canceled
- Three business days or more prior to the webinar date – 75% refund
- Two business days through the webinar broadcast start time – no refund
- Any time after the webinar broadcast – no refund
All cancellations must be in writing and must include:
- Name of registrant
- Email address