Hi, on this website, there is some information on a wastewater solution in Missoula, MT, which seems to use a small (bathtub?) constructed wetland. Where can I find details of that installation so I can do the same in Vermont?
Also, has anyone in Vermont successfully installed a constructed wetland wastewater solution?
Thank you
(P.S. sorry for posting to this category. There is no category for wastewater, which would be the proper place for my questions.)
- Tracey K asked 3 years ago
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Thank you so much! That was super helpful. I look forward to reading your book.
Thank you!
- Tracey K answered 3 years ago
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Hi Tracey,
I consider kitchen sink greywater “dark greywater” due to the extra grease and food particles. It is suitable for reuse, though some states disallow it. It is more prone to clogging the system so I would not send it into a wetland system. Mulch is a great filter, so any system using mulch basins will be more robust.
I would not go the wetland route unless you don’t have anywhere to infiltrate the water. The rock substrate in a constructed wetland eventually clogs and needs cleaning. Its a maintenance headache. I would pursue larger mulch basins, or infiltration chambers in the ground. If I were you, I would start with a simple branched drain system. We have info on our website and my book, Greywater Green Landscape, goes into extensive design and construction details.
Here is a link to a greywater system installer in Maryland who installs subsoil infiltrator systems.
Good luck with your system!
- Laura answered 3 years ago
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Hi Laura, thanks you for the info. There’s no toilet water (as that would go into humanure). However, it would include kitchen water as well as shower and bathroom sink water. Do you include kitchen water (which may include some fats and dish detergent) in “greywater”?
Also for the wetland system, I’m wondering if there is special care required for a wetland in the winter months. You mentioned “deep-than-freezing subsoil infiltration” which sounds intriguing. I’m hoping to learn about that. I’d be grateful for a link or any pointers to that info.
Thank you,
- Tracey K answered 3 years ago
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Hi Tracey,
The system on our site is using greywater, which doesn’t contain toilet water. I’m not sure from your question if you are including toilet water in “wastewater,” and if so, a DIY backyard scale systems won’t be a safe option. I’m sure there are wastewater wetland treatment systems in Vermont, I would look into Living Machines, and other such options.
If you are just using greywater, then a wetland system should work for you, as would deep-than-freezing subsoil infiltration, and greenhouse irrigation.
Hope this helps!
- Laura answered 3 years ago
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