I am told be a small No. Ca city building dept that I need a permit for a laundry to surge tank. landscape setup. I am cited in CA 2013 Plumbing code 1602.2.2 ( surge capacity) – 1602.2.4 ( backwater valve). The city is concerned about backwater spill over. However the same thing can happen in a regular washing machine!
Does anyone reside in a city that does not require a permit? If so please provide city name and plumbing code if known.
Thank you
- terrisrn asked 10 years ago
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I think if you ask in any city they will want a permit. That type of system could be constructed in such a way it complies with the permit except system, and the permit except systems don’t require a permit or inspection. However, if you ask I don’t think you’ll find many jurisdictions who would agree that you can comply with the permit exception section of the code because of the surge tank.
- Laura answered 10 years ago
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