Hello there, I recently purchased a tiny home and am living on a friends property.
I use a compost toilet and have no black water, he has an RV greywater tank with a drain field on his property and I am attempting to try and pipe into it so my bathtub and sinks run all greywater into it.
I am on a slight hill above him but only by a bit, I cannot drill into tank so I have to bury the pipes then pop out right at the lid on top of tank and plumb an elbow into it.
Because of this I was hoping to use a greywater pump and have it pump the water into the tank therefore bypassing the need for gravity.
Is this doable? And if so, what pump would be suitable? Thank you in advance.
- Gwydion gillette asked 2 years ago
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Hi…am curious what kind of greywater system does your friend have for his RV that you want to tie into with your tiny home. I’m looking at having a tiny home on my property and am curious about options for grey water from a tiny via an RV rhino tank or direct. Any thoughts and what state are you in…Thanks, Rick
- Rick Alleva answered 2 years ago
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If you don’t need to pump too far or too high you might want to get a saniflo pump- they make one just for shower water, and other ones are for combined flows.
- Laura answered 2 years ago
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