Laundry-to-landscape (L2L) System in Interior-walled Laundry Room
The difference in a system from a washing machine located in a room with interior walls, as opposed to one with an exterior wall, it that the greywater pipe typically exits through the floor.
This laundry room has a crawlspace underneath, so the greywater pipe can exit through the floor, and run through the crawlspace before it reaches the landscape. In this situation the auto-vent must be installed inside the house, at the high point in the line before the pipe drops down.
Once outside, the 1 inch PVC pipe transitions into a 1 inch high density polyethylene (HDPE) tubing, with 1/2 inch outlets directing greywater to the plants.
Each outlet of greywater is discharged under the mulch shield, 2″ is the California code requirement. The mulch shield can be covered by a paving stone for asthetics.