This directory lists people and companies who’ve attended Greywater Action’s 5 day training for installers and existing greywater businesses in Greywater Action’s extended network. If you don’t see someone in your area, please visit this page for advice.
Greywater Action Associates: After completing the 5 day course, these people have gone on to complete, install, and document a minimum of five systems professionally. They have collaborated with Greywater Action, and are working to provide eduction about greywater systems in their local area as well as to ease permitting barriers.
Level 2 Installers: These people have completed Greywater Action’s 5 day “Greywater System Design and Installation” course, and have installed at least two systems on their own, submitting photos and documentation of the systems to Greywater Action.
Level 1 Installers: These people have completed Greywater Action’s 5 day “Greywater System Design and Installation” course. They have completed a certification examination with a score of 80% or higher, and also successfully installed a greywater system in a small group.