Hello! Just move to a rural town in East Texas and desperately need help. The farmhouse I bought is not connected to city sewer or water lines. I got water company to turn water on, but home has no plumbing lines, pipes, fixtures.

A local Septic Company quoted $9500 for a system and I can’t afford it. After some researching, I am certain I do not want a Septic Tank, I am super interested in creating my own Aerobotic System for Greywater.

I plan on getting a Cinderella toilet when I have enough money. I’m on my way to USDA office to see if I am eligible for any financial assistance.

I’m a retired 20 year public school educator, on disability retirement, recently divorced, and live with my 2 Service Animal Dogs. If there’s anyone out there, here, please help me. Thank you so very much.


Muppet Bear

Rocket Bear

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Hi Isa,

Sorry I missed your message till now. It sounds like you’re going to need support from someone local. I hope you found someone to help! Greywater to the landscape plus a composting toilet is a way to bypass the need for a septic system (though this may not be allowed by your local permitting agency).

Best of luck with your system!

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