Looking for a place where I can find a Y valve with a handle to switch water from going say from the drain to the pipe to byard, can t find one. Any ideas I should be the diameter of the house in the washer 3/4 in(?)
- alberto asked 10 years ago
Can you explain what you mean in the second part of your question. Are you asking about the washer drain hose?
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If you’re diverting water from the drain of the fixture, like the shower, you can use a “3-way diverter valve” with a 1.5 or 2″ diameter pipe (depending on the size of the pipe).
Here is a project showing the valve installation: http://greywateraction.org/branched-drain-with-exposed-pipes/
Here is a place you can buy one: http://www.westsidewholesale.com/pentair-263037.html
- Guest answered 10 years ago
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Alberto, two thoughts in addition to what Laura said:
1) If you’re in a hurry, you may need to look elsewhere than Westside Wholesale. I just happened to order this exact part Laura mentions, a Pentair 263037, from them last week (30Mar2015), and it’s going to take until the third week of April for it to get delivered! Looks like they don’t have it in stock (but they do have a good price). I would recommend calling them first: 1-877-998-9378.
2) But since you ask in your question about the diameter of the washer hose, I’m thinking you’re looking for the brass three-way valve that is commonly used for laundry-to-landscape (L2L) systems, rather than a shower or sink branched-drain setup. L2Ls usually use 1″ diameter pipe, while branched drains usually use 1.5″/2″ diameter. The brass valve often used for L2L is the Kitz model 54P-100 3-port ball valve. One place you can purchase one is: http://oasisdesign.net/greywater/divertervalves.htm. (That website also has a lot of really great greywater info, by the way).
As to how you would attach the washer hose to the Kitz valve, I think you would want a 3/4″ diameter barbed connector to attach to the hose, like the grey plastic barbed connectors that you use in the yard to attach tubing together. The Kitz valve has 1″ female threaded ports, so your connector at that end would be 1″ male threaded PVC. You could either cement the two together or use a no-hub connector (i.e., a black rubber fitting with clamps that you tighten, often called a Fernco connector). There are some pictures on this website of this setup, like this one: http://greywateraction.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/L2L3way-labels-300×225.jpg. In that shot you can see they used a no-hub coupling.
However, I’ve not actually done this myself with a Kitz valve! I’m sure there are lots of people on this forum who have, and can tell you the best parts for it.
- splaestro answered 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
- Here’s a larger version of the picture I linked above: http://greywateraction.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/L2L3way-labels.jpg On second thought, I’m not sure what they are using there is an actual no-hub fitting. It may just be a 1″ diameter clamp to hold the washer hose on to a short stub of PVC. Those with more experience, please comment!
- Another question: do most people end up using a 1″ or a 3/4″ diameter barbed connector on the washer hose? Is it better to go too big or too small?
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